Tanzania March 1st

A Kebab.

Some motorcyclist extend the back seat out further so it’s not unusual to se 4 or 5 people on the same motorcycle, and even a goat or two. The call these Kebabs. These are the taxis. The call them Boda Bodas and they will take you anywhere.

We were both fueling up.you want to go..

Road to Ngare Nanyuki.
General Malan’s Old House.

This was our first house at Nagare Nanyuki when we moved there. My parents stayed in a home built caravan and I slept in the house on a cot while we got the main house habitable.

Ngare Nanyuki House.

Totally overgrown and in need of some serious repairs, but it is still there.

The house was originally thatch and the thatch was tied on with riempies (Strips of uncured cow hide) that had got wet and dribbled brown stuff down the walls. This was replaced with Asbestos corrugated sheets. A non-no now of course.

Ngare Nanyuki House.

The back of the house withbthe kitchen was not so overgrown.

The Indian Duka at the end of the driveway. You can see the old petrol sign pole, but the sign is long gone..
Mount Meru.

This is what it looked like from our front door. In the last term of Middle School in Arusha you went rambling every afternoon in practice for the main event. This was to climb Meru from the other side. As there was a lot of Rhino it was slow going as there were quite a few tree climbing sprints to get out the way. We climbed to the volcanic ash line was were the forest ended and slept the night. befor day break the next morning was the final assault through the ash, sign your name in the book, and all the way down to the bottom for a hot supper and lots of stories from an excited bunch of 12 years olds.

The Main Road from Ngare Nanyuki across the Maasai flats through Tinga Tinga to Longido.
Stopped on the side of the road for lunch..
Lunch Break for Padkos..
Mount Longido..
Candelabra Trees. Always grow on the hills were it is very dry and well drained.
Do NOT Touch me!.
Zebra getting some shade.
A group of Zebra in the shade.

You can tell how effective the stripes are as camouflage. You cannot tell where one Zebra starts and the others end. In a herd at full gallop it’s difficult to distinguish the individual animas making it difficult for predators to single out a single animal.

Thompson Gazelles.