Lake Junaluska – October 2020

Arrived at the Lake Junaluska Convention center with the lake in the background

We decided the heck with Spyder Rallies or any other rallies, we were going to pick a time to see the fall colors, find accommodation and go.

We decided to leave on Thursday 23rd and come back Sunday.

Using RouteMyRide we used back roads all the way up to Lake Junaluska.

Lake Junaluska, Maggie Valley and Waynesville all run into each other so it’s hard to see where one starts and one stops.

The weather held on the way up and we had a cool clear ride.

On Saturday we decided to ride up to Hot Springs along The Rattler. After breakfast at Country Vittles we set off. It was a great ride and the Fall Colors were awesome.

The Rattler runs over a mountain ridge, down through a valley and then over the mountains again to Hot Springs.

Some showers on the way back, but nothing significant.


Morning Mist on the lake.

Evening Shadows

The Start of The Rattler

Sandy Gearing up for The Rattler

Our Fearless Navigator and his assistant plotting a route or plotting something.

The Fall Colors were beautiful and the Pictures speak for themselves. We were almost to late as many of the trees had already shed their leaves. In many places there were lots of dead leaves on the road. Not much fun om two wheels when the leaves are wet as they a very slippery.

On Saturday we rode up to Maryville to visit with *** and ***. Friends that Kevin had met on Facebook, but had never met in person. Gorgeous ride up through the mountains, part of the way along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Parts of the rode was jammed with cars parked on the side of both sides of the road. The road ran along the river and their were a lot of hiking trails so folks were hiking, walking or just enjoying the river. We got stuck behind a large motor home from Florida that held us up for miles. A bit aggravating, but allowed us to kick back and enjoy the scenery. Lot’s of tunnels on the Blue Ridge making the ride interesting.

** cooked us hamburgers on a charcoal braai and they were delicious. Great hospitality and a fun couple. Both ride and both fly. ** was born in Colombia, but here parents are from New York originally. She used to fly for a living running freight from Florida to the islands. ** worked for Spoorweg in South Africa as an engineer, but got into boat maintenance in Florida and other things. He has a kit plane in his garage that he is rebuilding.

** has only been riding for 3 months and offered to show us a short way back on a new road. She took off at high speed with Sandy close behind and rode her bike like she stole it. We eventually came out on the Tennessee side of the Tail of the Dragon which was a surprise. She left us to our own devices and we headed back to Lake Junaluska which was still quite a few hours ride up through Cherokee.

All good things must come to an end and after a great breakfast at the Buttered Biscuit and a chat with Ted Vargas the owner about the Covid Pandemic and it’s effect on his business, we tanked up with gas and headed for home.

A great weekend with friends and a break that refreshed the soul.