Botswana July 22, 2018

Left Mbudi towards Mababe to look for the turn off to Savuti.

Road all the way from Mbuti to Kachingkau was 150 miles of slow going. In some places the sand was so deep it was tough and know whether we were going to get through.


Very dry with no water so other than a few Giraffe and a few Elephant breeding herds, not much in the way. of game.

Gate out of Chobe. The road widened after this but became very sandy with some very deep sand.

Came across a broken down government vehicle with the crew all despondent. They had been there two days waiting for a recovery vehicle and were out of water and food and had been harassed by lions all night.

We gave them 5 liters of water, 2 kilos of maize meal and two kilos of filet steak. They were delighted and their spirits raised, especially at the sight of the meat.

The road widened considerably about 20 miles before Kachingau but had a lot of deep sand. You often had to put foot, not just here.

After Kachingkau we picked ip a good tar road for the last approx 50 miles to Kasane. About 200 miles for the day, but it took the whole day to do it.

Kadane was a bit short of accommodation as it was all booked up. We found a room at the Water Lilly Lodge which was not normally rented out as it was the guides room but we took it. It was quite comfortable and have us access to our first shower since entering Botswana.

Had a very good Goat Korma washed down with aWjndhoek Draft Beer in a bottle at the Pizza Plus Coffee and Curry Indian Restaurant with Beer Garden. Quite a long name as the Indian owners apparently wanted the whole menu in the name, but the curry was excellent.

Early night after dinner.