Botswana July 21, 2018

Elephants paid our camp a visit this morning.

So many elephants everywhere this morning.

The zebra were a little skitsy this morning and were very cautions of us, but, eventually thirst overcame caution and they came down to drink.

All the game are in very good condition despite the poor grazing.

Mother suckling her foal.

Baboon digging through Elephant dung looking for undigested seeds and titbits that it can find.

Inspecting small sticks for anything that looks like protein.

A troop of Baboons crossing the road and foraging.

Anthills are not very tall here. Perhaps the water table is too close to the surface.. Never saw any anthill mushrooms more the pity.

Kudu Ewe

Hippo basking in the water.

The Bridge over the River Khwai. Seriously.

An ice cold Coke at the Khwai Shopping Center. Could not believe. But a walk around the build revealed a solar panel leaning against the wall at the back connected to a Coke cooler. Pleasant surprise.

Entrance into Khwai. A bit overzealous as there is nothing there but a small store.

Signpost to Serongwe

Road to Mababe

Track to our camping site.