Botswana July 18, 2018

It was so cold in Khama we decided to get a chalet rather than sleep in a tent. I think it would have been warmer in the tent.

We had electric heaters on the floor but they made no difference at all. It was not until the next morning when we woke up and lying in bed noticed the mosquito nets being blown around so we looked up and saw that the eaves were completely open and the wind was blowing straight through sucking up any heat in the room and blowing it outside.

Cattle, goats and sheep everywhere all over the road. The bush along the verges of the road have been removed allowing grass to grow creating good grazing for livestock. This would be a real problem at night.

Salt pan on the way to Maun.

We tried a spot called Drifters that Gerald had not been to. What a surprise. After all those miles of semi-desert an oasis on the banks of the Thamalakane River. Absolutely spectacularly beautiful after miles of dry bush..

The bar come reception at drifters. A fun evening with a lot of catching up on what was happening in Botswana and update on Zimbabwe politics from the young Zimbabwean lady behind the bar,

The really bright young Zimbabwean girl from Vic Falls who is one of the managers at Drifters. After getting caught up on all the political gossip for Zimbabwe and politics for Botswana she insisted on upgrading us from a camp site to a tented site. We were definitely up for that after being frozen half to death at Khama and  we did not have to put our own tents up. We accepted with gratitude!

We spent a comfortable warm night in the tent.

The next morning we had breakfast in the dining room and headed north to see if we could find some warmer weather.