Botswana July 14, 2018

Botswana July 14, 2018

Lights out. Night Night time, but with the flight so full, no place to sleep except sitting up.

Normally you can walk the aisles so that you do not get stiff on long flights, but with the flight so full people feet and legs were in the aisle as they were trying to sleep, so not a lot of room to walk.

You can hang around in the galley and drink water and coffee, but even talking to the flight attendants gets old after a while, not that they appreciate that a whole lot 🙂

Flight was early, must have had a tail wind. 16 Hours with little sleep but finally at Oliver Tambo International Airport.

Oliver Tambo has grown into a full sized international airport. Customs and immigration was very fast and efficient as was delivery of luggage.

There are subtle signs you have arrived in Africa though. 😀